Hallinto- ja projektipalvelut
Kuutinrotinat 2024
Tilaisuuden järjestävät Kivitaskuseura ja SAKKE ry. Tilaisuuden juontaa SAKKE ry:n projektipäällikkö Eira Kotoneva ja tilaisuuden kummina toimii ja Kuutinrotinajulistuksen lukee MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry.
Jään ja Valon festivaali 2024 ja Jäänveiston SM
Joulumessut 2023
Horrow Island 2023
Light, sound, excitement!
The real Halloween atmosphere takes over Savonlinna around All Saints Day!
Fireshows every hour from 18:00 to 21:00!
Ghosts and other freaks take over Kasinosaari and the surrounding areas!
The tourism students of Vocational School Samiedu are shocked horror and exciting tickles for nearby roads. There will also be face painting and a photo wall!
On both nights, the Kasinonsaari footbridge will be taken over by a pyro and laser show, created by the famous Pyroman Finland, as in previous years!
A lacquer seller will be there, Savonlinna's 4H will offer, among other things, precision throwing and cupcake decorating.
The horror cafe serves on the Spahotel Casino's terrace and indoors during the event.
Sponsoring and enabling the event, Spahotel Casino and SamiEdu.
In addition, the event is sponsored by OP Suur-Savo, Sokos Savonlinna and Sokos Hote Seurahuone.
Dinner under the stars
In the fall of 2023, we organized the Dinner under the Stars event in connection with Savonlinna's autumn lights, where the music played and people came with their own snacks to enjoy the darkening autumn evening in the embrace of Törninpyörä. Click the link below!