Saimaanvalo Oy tarjoaa monipuolisesti erilaisia joogatunteja, joogakursseja ja joogaretriittejä Savonlinnassa ja lähiympäristössä. Tarjontaamme kuuluvat Yin-jooga, Vinjana-jooga sekä joogaterapiat yksilöille ja ryhmille.
Pidän joogaa kotona ”Moijin joogille” Linnalan opistolla ja KristalliSportissa. Tarjoan yksityistunteja yksilöille ja ryhmille. Tule mukaan, katso tarkemmin ”Tapahtumat”-kohdasta.
I am a certified Vijnana yoga teacher. I graduated in January 2021 from a three-year yoga training (800 h). Such a long training was thorough and gave good lessons to teach a wide variety of breathing exercises, guide various meditation exercises and safely teach and guide asana practice.
In the fall of 2022, I graduated as a yin-yoga teacher. The Yin-yoga I teach is based on Chinese medicine and the theory of the five elements.
I continued my studies of Chinese medicine and Yin yoga and in the fall of 2023 I graduated as a MediYin yoga therapist and got RYT 150H certificate. The training covered the theory of the five elements, how the time of day or season affects the body, the meridians and thus the different organs. The training also included acupressure, anatomical locations of meridians, essential oils and doing Gua Sha treatment.
In individual yoga therapy, I find the right exercises for each person, and they can be asana, Pranayama or even activation of certain acupoints.
Group therapy can focus, for example, on the treatment of insomnia or stress relief.
Vijnana yoga is based on ancient yogic traditions and has much in common with Sri Krisnamacharya, Pattabi Jois, B.K.S. Iyengar and T.K.V. With the teachings of Desikachari. In my opinion, what separates Vijnana yoga from other yoga trends is its comprehensiveness. Each yoga class includes Just sitting meditation, different breathing excercises and more physical asana practise. asanaharjoitus. All these are combined with a yoga philosophy. joogafilosofian teemalla.
The main teacher of Vijnana yoga is Orit Sen-Gupta, who has developed the Seven Basic Principles based on old yoga texts, which are also included as an essential part of every Vijnana yoga lesson. These basic principles are:
- Relaxing the Body - when practising with a relaxed body the movements are softer and more organic
- Quieting the Mind - When the mind is quiet focusing into the practise is easier
- Focusing through Intent - When focusing into the practise we devote ourselves wholly to it
- Rooting - The more we can root our body intothe ground the more focused is also the mind. With rooted body the movements become light.
- Connection - When we move so that the whole body is connected whole, and also the mind to the body the practise becomes comprehensive
- Breathing - When one is aware its breathing you can expand the body and the soul. Without breathing there is nothing
- Expanding - Elongating and Widening - When bpdy is expanding also mind is widening, and the body moves effortlessly
Yin yoga is based on Chinese medicine and the theory of the five elements. Chinese medicine believes that a person's body and mind are constantly connected to each other and that a person must be treated as a whole. If a person gets sick or feels bad, it can be caused by blockages in the energy channels, or meridians. With Yin yoga, we can activate the body's muscle membrane lines, or fascia membranes, and at the same time gain mobility and elasticity in the body. Fascia membranes that move well in relation to each other protect the body from injuries and can increase the performance of speed-power sports by up to 20%.
We are in asanas for long periods of 2 to 6 minutes, so the exercise is also calming and meditative.
I can combine the exercises with Yoga Nidra exercises, i.e. deep relaxation, after which you will feel like you have been reborn!
Medi Yin®-joogaterapia syventää yin-joogaharjoistusta tuomalla siihen joko henkilökohtaisen aspektin tai ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen.
Yksilöllinen terapia antaa asiakkaalle ohjelman, jota seuraamalla voidaan auttaa henkilöä tehokkaasti saavuttamaan terapian tavoitteet. Tavoitteet kartoitetaan tarkasti terapian ensimmäisellä kerralla ja ne voivat olla kehollisia tai miellelisiä, esim. lihasjumeja tai sterssiä. Katso Medi Yin®-joogaterapiasta tarkemmin Joogaterapia-osiosta.
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