Miten se kesä meni niin nopeasti? Vastahan tytöt, eli lampaat, tulivat meille ja vastahan minä aloitin Sakke ry:n toiminnanjohtajana ja vastahan minä lupasin itselleni aikaa relata koko kesän. Ja nyt se on mennyt!
Nyt pitää jättää lomailut ja alkaa kunnolla hommiin. Suunnitella tulevaa syksyä oikein kalenterin kanssa. Kuinka jätän aikaa yhdelle tai toiselle projektille ja koska jätän aikaa itselleni. Jooganopettajan sitä luulisi osaavan rentoutua ja hengittää, eikö se siinä ohjatessa omakin keho rentoudu? Ei, joogan ohjaaminen on sekin oikeaa työtä ja tuntien valmisteluun menee siihenkin oma aikansa.
However, now there is a new enthusiasm for meditation and breathing exercises. Already a few years ago, studies showed that yoga and breathing exercises had a healing or slowing effect in the treatment of brain diseases. Now it's clear why!
Selda Yildiz ( Oregon Health and Science University) and her team have studied the effect of yogic breathing exercises in an MRI machine and they found that it really increases the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, i.e. it increases brain metabolism and therefore more effectively removes harmful plaque from the brain. A dazzling research result in itself and will certainly give everyone motivation to focus more on breathing.
See the publication; Immediate impact of yogic breathing on pulsatile cerebrospinal fluid dynamics,
Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 28;12(1):10894. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15034-8. Yildiz et al.

How did that summer go so fast? It wasn’t until the girls, i.e. the sheep, came to us and it wasn’t until I started as executive director of Sakke ry and it wasn’t until I promised myself time to relax all summer. And now it’s gone!
Now we have to leave the holidays and get down to business. Plan the coming autumn correctly with the calendar. Because I leave time for one project or another and because I leave time for myself. You would think that a yoga teacher would know how to relax and breathe, doesn't it help to relax your own body as well? No, teaching yoga is also a real job and preparing the classes takes its own time.
However, now there is a new enthusiasm for meditation and breathing exercises. Already a few years ago, studies showed that yoga and breathing exercises had a healing or slowing effect in the treatment of brain diseases. Now it's clear why!
Selda Yildiz ( Oregon Health and Science University) and her team have studied the effect of yogic breathing exercises in an MRI machine and they found that it really increases the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, i.e. it increases brain metabolism and therefore more effectively removes harmful plaque from the brain. A dazzling research result in itself and will certainly give everyone motivation to focus more on breathing.
See the publication; Immediate impact of yogic breathing on pulsatile cerebrospinal fluid dynamics,
Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 28;12(1):10894. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15034-8. Yildiz et al.